
Improving Governance and Enabling Markets To Strengthen Federal Democracy

Over a decade ago, and following a lengthy civil war, Nepal’s political parties agreed to change the country’s unitary system of government to a federal system. After years of discord and stasis, the country’s Constituent Assembly successfully passed a new constitution in September 2015, which mandates establishing three tiers of government: federal, provincial, and local. Now, the country’s leaders must deliver on those promises of the Constitution.

Therefore, CIPE and its partners are working to support the effective implementation of federalism in Nepal. Local government can make policy decisions more responsive to citizens, decentralization can facilitate entrepreneurship, and pro-growth competition can emerge among provinces. In this way, successful implementation of federalization can underpin the success of democracy in Nepal in the long term.

To hold newly-established provincial governments accountable for the implementation of promised reforms, CIPE and its partner Samriddhi Foundation, a well-respected Nepali think tank, supported the growth of three subnational think tanks, who are now also partners – Hriti Foundation, Bikalpa – An Alternative, and Pokhara Research Centre – to empower subnational bottom-up accountability.

Additionally, CIPE has partnered with Accountability Lab Nepal to help foster collaboration between the public and the private sector by working towards institutionalizing public-private dialogue at the subnational level. CIPE and its partners are working to strengthen economic and democratic governance at all levels as Nepal transitions to a democratic federal state.


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‘Legislation for quarterly financial reports of state-owned enterprises could increase transparency in Nepal’s economy’ ..  Read More

Exploring the State of Federalism in Nepal..Read More The State of Federalism in Nepal: An Assessment..Read more

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