Leveraging international standards of excellence and the experience of a global peer network, CIPE helps independent business associations and chambers of commerce serve and represent their members and meet their goals for success. CIPE is there to provide its partners with the advice and solutions needed to confront the threats to democracy and complex challenges of today’s global economy.

Independent private sector organizations give voice to the business community in the democratic process, contributing to political pluralism and providing a crucial check on state power. The civic role of chambers of commerce and business associations is essential to inform market-oriented policies that bring about inclusive economic growth and development. Chambers and associations also provide critically needed services that help otherwise underserved segments of the private sector such as MSMEs and businesswomen to be successful and weather times of crisis. In these respects, chambers and associations help businesses achieve together what they are unable to do alone.
CIPE works with business membership organizations to build capabilities and ensure organizational success and sustainability. CIPE draws on more than 40 years of experience as an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest independent business federation. CIPE’s network exceeds more than 1,000 business associations and chambers of commerce across more than 80 countries.