CIPE in the News

177 Items

CIPE’s Martin Friedl Featured in Forbes on Corrosive Capital in LAC

CIPE in News
In a conversation with journalist Gustavo Delvasto, of the Spain’s EFE agency, Martin Friedl, director for Latin America and the Caribbean at CIPE, explained why foreign investment isn’t always beneficial for countries. “Corrosive capital can generate corruption and governance prob...

CIPE’s John Morrell Interviewed by the Kathmandu Post in Nepal

CIPE in News
In a conversation with Kathmandu Post Reporter Anil Giri, John Morrell, regional director for Asia and the Pacific at the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) discussed how Nepal can attract investment and support private sector growth. After adopting a federal governing structure in...

CIPE-led B5+1 Forum Is Highlighted in U.S. Department of State Media Note

CIPE in News
U.S. Department of State has released a media note about the CIPE-led B5+1 Forum for regional integration and economic development in Central Asia. B5+1 was created to complement the C5+1 diplomatic platform for Central Asia countries and the United States.   READ THE MEDIA NOTE HERE   &n...

Bridging the Gendered Digital Divide

CIPE in News | Morgan King
In this Diplomatic Courier article, CIPE Program Officer, Morgan King shares three approaches to help women bridge the digital divide. “The digital divide will grow wider without dedicated efforts to make the digital transformation inclusive, especially in developing economies. Several new ...

EuroNews Shares CIPE’s Recent Report on the Automotive Industry in Slovakia

CIPE in News
Repurposing Slovakia’s Automotive Industry for a New Era of Geo-Economics EuroNews is among the media outlets sharing details about CIPE’s recent report on the Automotive Industry in Slovakia. An Op-ed by CIPE’s Consultant Soňa Muzikárová, discusses how the Central Europe’s car indust...

CIPE Congratulates New President of the National Democratic Institute

CIPE in News
CIPE congratulates Dr. Tamara Cofman Wittes on her appointment to President of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), a fellow core institute of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a partner on innovative programs to support economic freedoms and democratic resilience worldwide. Dr. Wit...

Launching the B5+1 Business Platform for Central Asia

CIPE in News
The Astana Times in Kazakhstan is among the Central Asia publications sharing details about the newly launched B5+1 business platform for regional economic integration, which CIPE is helping to lead. ...

New Coalition for Economic Development in Nigeria

CIPE in News
Arise News and other media in Africa are reporting on the American Business Council Nigeria’s announcement that it will create a Private Sector Development for Democracy Forum (PSDdF) in partnership with CIPE. It is a coalition of business organizations, think tanks, and media partners committed...

CIPE and its Partner México Evalúa Highlighted in Newsweek En Español

CIPE in News
Newsweek En Espanol recently highlighted the security work of CIPE partner México Evalúa, a Mexico City-based think tank, which completed a project studying private sector responses and solutions to citizen insecurity and business extortion in Tijuana, Mexico. Read the full story here. ...
177 Items