Democracy That Delivers #288: ESG & Anti-Corruption with ELEVATE CEO Ian Spaulding

Ken Jaques, Michele Crymes |

Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) expert and ELEVATE Limited CEO Ian Spaulding joins the CIPE Anti-Corruption & Governance Center (ACGC) podcast this week to discuss the interplay between anti-corruption and new ESG approaches to managing global supply chains. Spaulding explains that ESG is ultimately about raising standards – for workers, for the environment, and for how companies are managed. When standards are low and companies underperform corruption and fraud can become pervasive as business leaders try to create shortcuts or hide poor results. Listen now to how ELEVATE helps supply chains establish and enforce high standards that support ESG and reduce corruption, and how governments, civil society, and international organizations are essential to supporting better outcomes in the private sector. Spaulding is joined by hosts Ken Jaques, CIPE’s Communications Director, and Michele Crymes, Program Officer with CIPE’s ACGC.

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Published Date: October 07, 2021