As a mother of three, being able to work from home helped me stay in the workforce. I live and work in a country with accessible childcare and accommodating work policies but even so, the seemingly light shift towards a remote work arrangement changed my life! What then could a trade facilitation measure that makes trade less bureaucratic and less cumbersome do for a small importer or exporter living in a developing country? What would more transparency and digital transformation in Customs and other border agencies do for the women-owned small business in a developing country? Increased productivity and a better standard of living are just the beginning.
This goal and potential impact keep me on my toes and supplies me with everyday fuel.
In July 2020, I was tasked with leading the Alliance’s project to introduce an Electronic Customs Bond System in Vietnam, which would have enabled traders to purchase bonds guaranteeing payment of duties and taxes as well as regulatory compliance, allowing Customs to expedite release of their goods. This meant working not only with one or two stakeholders but engaging and getting approval from all border agencies. The Alliance took on this ambitious task at a time when other high-level initiatives to regulate inter-agency cooperation in Vietnam were experiencing slow progress. Despite our best efforts, our initial objective was thwarted but the project team persisted to improve the trade facilitation environment in Vietnam by pivoting towards other areas.
Published Date: September 13, 2023