Democracy That Delivers #291: Why Business Standards Lept “3-5 Years…in 1 Year” with Tom Fox, Compliance Lawyer

Ken Jaques, Michele Crymes |

Tom Fox, the extraordinarily prolific and knowledgeable host of the popular FCPA Compliance Report, talks about the link between two hot topics in the corporate compliance world – anti-corruption and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), in the latest episode of the CIPE Anti-Corruption & Governance Center (ACGC) podcast. Drawing on almost 20 years as an anti-corruption lawyer, Fox discusses the rise of anti-bribery enforcement around the world and explains why an increasing number of regulators, investors, and consumers are pressuring companies to make greater disclosures of anti-bribery standards, labor practices, and environmental impact. Fox also shares why the adoption of higher standards has accelerated dramatically during COVID-19 and how businesses can take meaningful steps towards ESG compliance by using the practices they already have in place. Fox is joined by hosts Ken Jaques, CIPE’s Communications Director, and ACGC Program Officer Michele Crymes.

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Published Date: October 21, 2021