Sophia Rice

Associate Program Officer
Regions: Europe & Eurasia

Sophia Rice is an Associate Program Officer for Europe and Eurasia, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to this role, Sophia was an intern for CIPE Europe and Eurasia’s South Caucasus team, where she supported programmatic efforts on the topics of women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and disinformation, while completing two in-depth research briefs about private sector inclusion strategies for people with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ individuals in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Sophia speaks Russian and French.

She holds a BA in International Studies and Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies from Emory University. While at Emory, Sophia received Summa Cum Laude for her thesis on EU political party rhetoric toward foreigners during the Syrian Refugee Crisis and Eurozone Crisis. She has also completed courses of study at Moscow International University and Middlebury College’s Davis School of Russian.