Property Markets Toolkit

Resources for Economic Growth

Property rights and institutions that make them meaningful are indispensable to vibrant modern economies. Yet, billions of people around the world today still lack secure property rights and access to other key building blocks of a fully functional property system. This, in turn, hinders their economic, political, and social prospects of participation and development. Institutions that make property markets work need to be strengthened in order to improve livelihoods around the world.

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) engages with local private sector partners and other stakeholders around the world to assess the state of property rights and markets and to support meaningful reforms. With urbanization on the rise globally, cities, in particular, create opportunities for empowerment through property rights, especially to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). To that end, CIPE led the development of the International Property Markets Scorecard to provide reformers with a tool for evaluating strengths and weaknesses of local property markets and created a companion implementation guide.

The Scorecard

The Scorecard is an in-depth research tool to help policy advisors, property market analysts, and local commercial property market participants understand market conditions, evaluate risks, and identify key areas for reform. It is a valuable educational tool especially helpful in emerging markets to gain an understanding of the local conditions when it comes to property rights, access to credit, and the institutions that support transparent property markets and economic growth.

View Scorecard

The Playbook

The Playbook builds on the Scorecard to focus on actions rather than just measurement. Strategic collaboration among stakeholders and advocacy campaigns with key partners can improve property market institutions and help cities create conditions for economic growth and further democratic empowerment.

View Playbook

“Cities are not mere collections of buildings and roads. Cities are vibrant ecosystems of human potential and innovation. They are our future. In our challenging times of conflicts, economic hardships, and climate disasters, cities have proven their resilience time and time again. Cities have emerged as islands of hope, where communities unite, ideas flourish, and dreams are achieved. (…) As we embark on the journey, remember that the power to transform our cities lies within each one of us. Together, we can build resilient urban economies that stand as beacons of hope”

UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Modh Sharif, 2018-2023

Get Started

This Toolkit can be used by business associations, in-country reformers, governments, international policy advisors, and global property market analysts and organizations to understand market conditions and identify key areas for collaboration leading to advocacy for reforms.

Watch the launch event for more information: