Democracy That Delivers #345: Open Contracting Reform and Taxpayers’ $13 Trillion, with Kristen Robinson

Richard Christel |

Kristen Robinson, Head of Advocacy at the Open Contracting Partnership, joins the CIPE Anti-Corruption & Governance Center podcast to discuss what open contracting is, why the world needs it, and how the private sector can benefit from open contracting reform. A third of the world’s taxpayer money is spent on procurement — a mind-boggling $13 Trillion –– making every citizen a stakeholder. As Robinson shares in the podcast and on a recent blog, there’s a lot of infrastructure required to ensure procurement is done quickly, effectively, and in a transparent and accountable manner. Listen now to hear why digitizing inefficient, paper-based procurement processes isn’t enough; how open contracting principles can be a boon to governments and the business community alike; and how small- and medium-sized businesses can advocate for needed open contracting reforms. This episode is hosted by Richard Christel, Anti-Corruption Program Officer at CIPE.

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Published Date: October 05, 2022