Democracy that Delivers #120: New Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics CEO Gerry Zack Discusses 30 years of Compliance and Fraud Evolution

Ken Jaques, Anna Kompanek |
From left: host Anna Kompanek, guest Gerry Zack, and host Ken Jaques.

On this week’s Democracy that Delivers podcast, CIPE’s Ken Jaques and Anna Kompanek sat down with incoming CEO of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, Gerry Zack to discuss how fraud and compliance issues have evolved over the last 30 years. Zack has spent more than 30 years providing services involving the prevention, detection, and investigation of fraud, corruption, and noncompliance.

This special Democracy that Delivers podcast is part of an ongoing series organized by CIPE’s Anti-Corruption & Governance Center.

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Published Date: June 19, 2018