Deputy Director of the South Asia Program at the Stimson Center Sameer Lalwani (@splalwani) discusses how counterinsurgency and state-building efforts interact with issues of governance and economic development in South...
Deputy Director in the U.S. State Department’s Counterterrorism Bureau Jessica Long discusses how international cooperation and partnerships underpin best practice in counterterrorism policy. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or...
CIPE Regional Director for the Middle East and Africa Abdulwahab Alkebsi’ s passion for democracy work goes back to his childhood in Yemen. In this podcast, Alkebsi discuses how his...
In this week’s podcast, Executive Director of the Accountability Lab (@accountlab) Blair Glencorse talks about why accountability is important and how his organization is building a generational movement for integrity....
In this week’s podcast, CIPE’s Regional Director for Asia John Morrell discusses when he witnessed for the first time how lack of governance and corruption undermines democracy and how that...
President, CEO and Co-Founder of WEConnect International Elizabeth A. Vazquez discusses the biggest challenges that women around the world face when trying to start and grow a business, and the...
CIPE Indonesia Program Coordinator Arian Ardie (Twitter: @aajkt) talks about the burgeoning Indonesian economy, foreign investment opportunities, and how Indonesian companies are coming to terms with what anti-corruption compliance means...
Business development consultant Toki Mabogunje (Twitter: @tmc_nig) talks about the current business climate in Nigeria, how the new government is tackling economic, security, and corruption challenges – and the private...
Alexis Bonnell (@alexisbonnell) from USAID’s Global Development Lab (@GlobalDevLab) talks about how innovation is changing the way development work is done around the world, harnessing 21st century technology to create...
Atlas Corps fellow and social media manager at Venezuelan think tank CEDICE, Gigi Raffo (@GianninaRaffo), talks about the everyday hardships experienced by citizens in her country, the challenges facing the...