CIPE Report Reframes Role of Ukraine’s Private Sector in Fighting Corruption

Statement/News Release

Rebuild with Trust: How Ukraine’s Private Sector Can Strengthen the Integrity of Reconstruction and Combat Corruption

Washington D.C., November 14, 2023 – The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) today released a report outlining 23 recommendations for business integrity and oversight in Ukraine. These recommendations focus on building private-sector capacity and promoting regulatory and institutional incentives.

The report uses polling data, field research and regulatory analysis to explain the relevant business-integrity laws and regulations, institutional frameworks, and prevailing business methodologies. It highlights the important role the private sector has in upholding integrity and its opportunity to galvanize reform.

Amidst high trust in business, and the fact that Ukraine’s private sector employs much of the nation’s population, this report underscores the transformative potential of involving this extensive network of voters and proactive citizens in anti-corruption initiatives. The recommendations reframe the role of the private sector, putting it forward as dynamic civic actors committed to building a stronger more inclusive economy.

The paper also delves into the intricacies of the most recent and relevant developments, such as operational nuances of the procurement platform, international donor participation facilitated through the Prozorro system, and imminent legal transformations heralded by the forthcoming law on administrative procedures. It also shines a spotlight on initiatives like the Unified Whistleblower Platform launched by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, and how reconstruction is shaped at the local level.

Published Date: November 14, 2023