CIPE Releases Report to Help Business Associations Develop Investment Screening Protocols

Statement/News Release

Today, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) released Shaping Investment Security Policy: A Guide to Business Associations, authored by globally recognized investment security expert Dr. Sarah Bauerle Danzman, PhD. Facilitated by BusinessEurope and informed by more than 35 interviews with 20 different business associations from across the European Union, the report provides practical recommendations for business associations about how to best address investment screening mechanisms.

The report outlines implications for business associations of investment screening mechanisms, outlines possible roles association leaders can play in formulating policy and highlights key priorities, lessons learned and recommendations from other associations across the EU who have actively shaped and influence investment screening regulations in their home countries.  Some recommendations from the report include:

  • Business associations should conduct a threat assessment to identify vulnerabilities and risks related to investment security.
  • Benchmarking exercises can help associations compare their home countries’ mechanisms to regulations in countries with similar economic profiles.
  • Early and proactive engagement with the business community, associational members, and governments is crucial for successful advocacy and policy development.
  • Business associations should consider advocating for harmonization of review timelines and addressing the debate around intra-EU and EEA review.
  • Maintaining open dialogues with counterparts in other major economies can facilitate exchanges of information and help members better understand the regulatory requirements associated with their own investments abroad.

According to Jeff Lightfoot, Program Director for Europe at CIPE, “Given that the investment screening debate is evolving very quickly on both sides of the Atlantic, both the private sector and civil society need to be educated, engaged, and able to advocate for their interests and for accountable governance.” The report aims to help elevate the democratic participatory process in the investment screening debate and generate greater government accountability, more effective legislation, and greater compliance by the business community.

The findings of this report will be discussed in an hour-long webinar Shaping Investment Security Policy: A Guide for Business Associations to be held on May 25, 2023, at 9 am ET time; 3 PM Central Europe time. Participants include, the report’s author Sarah Bauerle Danzman, PhD, Associate professor of international studies at the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University and non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, Sofia Bournou, Senior Adviser, BusinessEurope, and Steffen Hindelang, Director and Co-Founder, CELIS Institute; Professor of international investment and trade law at Uppsala University in Sweden. Click here to learn more about the event and register.

Published Date: May 16, 2023