World Refugee Day: Creating Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystems for Women Migrants and Refugees in Costa Rica

Two AREED members participating in an entrepreneurship fair in March 2023.

With millions of people displaced from their homes because of conflict, persecution, and other forms of violence, the current refugee crisis is one of the biggest humanitarian challenges we face as a global community. In response, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) works with partners across the world, such as Asociación Red Empresarias y Emprendedoras para el Desarrollo Sostenible (AREED), a women’s business association focused on supporting diaspora and host community populations in Costa Rica, to address the needs of diaspora populations and integrate them into host country economies.

Women worldwide face obstacles to entrepreneurship and economic empowerment, which are compounded for those who are displaced or refugees. Prioritizing support for these women helps level the playing field and promotes gender equality. CIPE, in collaboration with AREED, supports dozens of Nicaraguan and Venezuelan migrant and refugee women in starting and growing their businesses through training, networking events, and fairs. Enabling migrant and refugee women to contribute to the host economy and society fosters a sense of belonging, stability, and acceptance which, ultimately, leads to greater trust and understanding among diverse groups, promoting peace and social cohesion.

AREED President Alejandra Romero with Red Mujeres Empresarias de El Salvador (MUJER-ES) President Jessica Salazar at a Networking Event in March 2023.

CIPE and AREED have experienced firsthand that refugee businesswomen possess a strong drive to succeed and are highly motivated individuals. They are eager to learn new skills and adapt to new circumstances, making them valuable community members and business partners. Many refugees were successful entrepreneurs in their home countries, running their own businesses and creating employment. By providing the necessary support for communities of diaspora businesswomen in Costa Rica, their expertise can be tapped into, contributing to local development and sustainable community integration.

Ensuring women migrants and refugees are integrated into host country economies is essential for promoting stability, economic growth, social cohesion, and human rights. By investing in the potential of these women, CIPE and AREED aim to create a more diverse, inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem in Costa Rica for refugees and host community members alike.

CIPE and AREED will continue to share updates about this work with women entrepreneurs and refugee populations via the website and social media channels on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Through ongoing efforts, CIPE and its partners are helping to break down the barriers that women face in the private sector and promote the economic empowerment of women in Central America.

Photos used with permission from the Asociación Red Empresarias y Emprendedoras para el Desarrollo Sostenible (AREED).

Published Date: June 20, 2023