Future of Work Initiative: Focus Areas for Kickstarting Latin American Economies

The #futureofworklac is upon us and CIPE is developing ideas to stimulate Latin America in kickstarting its economies and transitioning to a more digitalized world. CIPE is bringing together our partners – CIEN, CIPPEC, Fedesarrollo, and Mexico Evalúa – to present their Future of Work material in the coming months, featuring their top experts and latest research.

Each month, our Future of Work events and publications will center on one organization’s work, expanding their research in discussions with other thought leaders to stimulate timely conversations on the urgent issues and policy needs of the region. As Latin America grapples with the immediate and long-term impacts of Covid-19, it is learning it needs innovative policy to create an inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.

Fedesarrollo will start off this month with an analysis of Colombia’s labor market pre- and post-Covid-19 and how digital platforms are affecting tax payments. Senior scholar Cristina Fernandez will present her findings in a public event on Tuesday, November 17 and Trust Consulting Firm’s CEO Ernesto Borda will take part in the discussion.

Starting in December, CIEN will lead discussions on Guatemala’s restrictions on the creation of formal employment. Senior scholar David Casasola will present his work on the economic impact of Covid-19 in the country, with a focus on the labor market and how technology can help build the formal economy in Guatemala.

In January 2021, CIPPEC will examine how new technologies are shaping Argentina’s economy and which public policies can help workers adjust to this new reality. Senior scholar Ramiro Albrieu will analyze the effect of big data, artificial intelligence, and other productivity-enhancing technologies on the Argentine labor market and workers’ income.

And in February 2021, México Evalúa will present its work on new technologies in the administration of justice. México Evalúa’s experts will discuss best practices in implementing digital mechanisms to provide better services and guarantee access to justice for all citizens, expounding on the need for modernized institutions as the pandemic continues.

Throughout this process, CIPE will bring thought leaders into the conversation, to understand challenges brought about by Covid-19 and identify further opportunities to address them. this initiative aims to lead the charge to better outcomes in the post-Covid-19 world.

Published Date: November 12, 2020