CIPE Partners are Top Global “Go To” Think Tanks


Think tanks play a vital role in any democratic society, providing policy analysis, carrying out advocacy campaigns, and keeping politics focused on key policy issues. Particularly in developing countries or societies in transition, a good think tank can make enormous contributions to democracy — as in Ghana, where CIPE partner IEA sponsored the first-ever presidential debates and helped ensure a smooth and peaceful electoral process in 2008.

The important role played by many of CIPE’s think tank partners around the world was confirmed again this year by the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program at the University of Pennsylvania. In their annual list of global “go-to” think tanks, at least 14 current and former CIPE partners were listed among the most influential in their respective regions and even globally.

These think tanks were selected from a database of more than 6,800 organizations on the basis of their influence, the quality of their work, and their impact on policy and society. Congratulations to all CIPE partners who made this exclusive list!

Center for the Dissemination of Economic Knowledge (CEDICE), Venezuela — #2 in Central and South America, #128 worldwide; #49 Top International Development Think Tanks; #63 Think Tanks with the Most Significant Impact on Public Policy

Political Science Institute (ICP), Colombia — #34 in Central and South America, #148 worldwide

Center of Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), Argentina — #5 in Central and South America; #20 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks; #13 Top Social Policy Think Tanks; #35 Best Managed Think Tanks; #50 Best Advocacy Campaign

Center for Development and Enterprise, South Africa — #6 in Africa

Foundation for Higher Education and Development (Fedesarollo), Colombia — #15 in Central and South America; #54, Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks; #56 Best Managed Think Tanks; #57 Think Tanks with the Most Significant Impact on Public Policy

Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Ghana — #20 in Africa

Institute of Liberty and Democracy (ILD), Peru — #22 in Central and South America

Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Kenya — #25 in Africa

Ecuadorian Institute for Political Economy (IEEP) — #28 in Central and South America

Fundación Libertad, Argentina — #31 in Central and South America; #108 worldwide

Unirule Institute of Economics, China — #32 in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea; #38 Top Science and Technology Think Tanks; #40 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks; #56 Think Tanks with the Most Significant Impact on Public Policy

National Economic Research Center (CIEN), Guatemala — #44 in Central and South America; #146 worldwide; #41 Best Advocacy Campaign

Fundacion Milenio, Bolivia — #46 in Central and South America

Entrepreneurship Development Foundation (EDF), Azerbaijan — #52 in Central Asia

Jon Custer is Social Media/Communications Coordinator at CIPE.

Published Date: January 30, 2014