Recently on the blog:
- The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the National Endowment for Democracy celebrated the 30 year anniversary of President Reagan’s Westminster speech, which laid the foundation for U.S. democracy assistance. The Washington Post also wrote about the speech and its enduring impact.
- The essential link between democratic governance and sustainable, inclusive economic growth is the core of CIPE’s work around the world. On the occasion of the Wrocław Global Forum in Poland, CIPE Global Programs Officer Anna Nadgrodkiewicz wrote about the deep interconnection between democratic and market institutions.
- Corporations are increasingly learning that corporate social responsibility is more than an expensive PR move — sustainable, socially conscious business practices can actually contribute to their bottom line. CIPE Global Programs Officer Maiko Nakagaki writes about how oil companies are taking this lesson to heart as they invest in their supply chains in Angola.
- CIPE Youth Essay contest winner Sarita Sapkota talks about the need for many developing countries to shift from an aid-dependent economic model to one that is more robust and sustainable, and how young people are helping to effect that shift.
- Guest blogger Bill Endsley, a principal at World Citizen Consulting and the Secretary-General of FIABCI-USA, writes about how measuring property market conditions in developing countries may be a first step to re-balancing global property markets.
- What dry cleaning in Russia says about bureaucracy, corruption, and reform (by CIPE Program Assistant Rachel Grossman).
Published Date: June 08, 2012