Hidden Institutions

Getting around in Accra over the past few days, you begin to appreciate the most basic institutions. Address is something we all take for granted.  Its something we don’t think about twice – it just works.

Not here, however.  Telling someone that you have to get to a certain address has little relevance – drivers operate by major landmarks, whether its a market, a church, or a government building.  Headquarters for all the major banks are located along one street, and if you need to get to a bank, the driver goes there (even though you have told him a different address). Matters are further complicated by drivers who are illiterate – even if they try, the can’t read scarce street signs or signs on top of the buildings.

Couple this with slums, where you see many shacks placed in no particular order, and you begin to appreciate both the local knowledge that allows you to get around and the importance of having a physical address that is recognized by all.

Without an address, how do you open a bank account or get a loan? How do you get services? How do you do business? You end up being largely limited to local communities, where local knowledge rules the day, but expansion and growth are quite limited.

Published Date: March 27, 2010