About the Event
On December 8, CIPE participated in an official Summit for Democracy Day Zero event, a Private Sector Forum called “Our Business Too: Democracy and Private Enterprise Delivering Together”. The event offered a constructive dialogue around the symbiotic relationship between business and government, and the roles and responsibilities of each in advancing society-at-large. Commerce Secretary Raimondo hosted a keynote panel with Google & Alphabet President of Global Affairs Kent Walker and Stripe CEO Patrick Collison, followed by a series of discussions with executives and thought leaders from around the world on digital space, beneficial ownership and transparency, and responsible investment (constructive capital). CIPE Executive Director Andrew Wilson moderated. A full agenda is below:
Host: Gina Raimondo – U.S. Secretary of Commerce
- Andrew Wilson – Executive Director, Center for International Private Enterprise
- Kent Walker – President, Global Affairs, Google & Alphabet
- Patrick Collison – CEO, Stripe
PANEL 1: Responsible Investment
Moderated by John Brothers – President, T. Rowe Price Foundation
- Lenna Koszarny – Founding Partner and CEO, Horizon Capital
- Nanette Medved-Po – Founder, Generation Hope
- Dr. Amy Jadesimi – CEO, LADOL Free Zone
PANEL 2: Beneficial Ownership
Moderated by Teresa Jennings –Head of Rule of Law Development, LexisNexis
- Christina Tee – CEO of CAPE EMS Manufacturing, CEO and President, Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Melina Cruz – Founder and CEO, Homely
- Lola Adekanye – Ethics First Lead
PANEL 3: Open and Resilient Digital Space
Moderated by Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc – CEO and Founder, GEC Risk Advisory
- Simoun Ung – President and CEO, OmniPay
- Rebecca Enonchong – Founding Partner and CEO, AppsTech
- Michelle Zatlyn – COO and Co-Founder, Cloudflare