Covid-19 and Corruption: Business Integrity in Emerging Markets

5.14.2020, 9:00AM


As companies around the world emerge from COVID-19 lockdowns, they will be struggling in a new environment, where the emphasis is likely to be more on survival and less on the niceties of anti-corruption compliance and business ethics. This will be especially true in emerging markets where debt-burdened governments will not have the ability to bail out companies at a time of humanitarian crisis. Companies will be left on their own in seeking to restore revenue streams and recapture market share.

What does this mean for corporate compliance officers inside emerging market companies? CIPE’s Michele Crymes, an FCPA attorney, will address the challenges faced by compliance officers facing off against internal colleagues under pressure to cut corners in the interest of making sales and winning contracts.
What does this mean for the overall corporate risk environment as global supply chains come back to life at the dawn of an era of “deglobalization?” Lola Adekanye, a Lagos-based barrister who heads CIPE’s anti-corruption operations in Africa, will speak about how businesses will navigate a risk landscape that has been profoundly transformed by the Covid-19 crisis.

From Bangkok, we will hear from the head of Asia’s largest group of businesses committed to reducing corporate corruption. Pana Ratanabanangkoon, of the Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption coalition, will share his take on how companies are trying to hold true to their ethics commitments at a time of unprecedented disruption.

This event, to be introduced by CIPE Executive Director Andrew Wilson, is part of an ongoing series, Covid-19 and Corruption, organized by the Anti-Corruption & Governance Center.

This event will be online through the RingCentral platform. Please sign up for the event and you will receive login details with your confirmation email.

