2783 Items

Trade Facilitation as a Tool to Combat Inflation

If the adage ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ holds true, then we must be heading into some pretty utilitarian times in the global economy. Signs everywhere point to a possible global recession, abetted by a rise in interest rates in the United States that has pushed the value of the dollar...

Beyond Time and Cost Savings: The True Value of Trusted Trader Programmes

Trusted Trader Programmes Businesspeople constantly criticise government bureaucracy, but complaints reach a crescendo when it comes to Customs’ regulation. Successful supply chain management hinges on the ability of border agencies to keep pace with the ebb and flow of global trade. Over the past...

Inspiring the Next Generation of Builders and Dreamers

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) provides an opportunity to both salute and inspire business innovation that drives change and transforms communities. “Entrepreneurs are more than optimists. They are natural leaders made for uncertain times and big problems like the ones we face today,” says ...

Diversity and Inclusive Culture Step-by-Step

In today’s complex world, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is increasingly becoming a focus area for companies aspiring to strengthen their cultures. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular – and the Great Resignation it fueled in countries such as the U.S. – has highlighted how crucial it is to...
2783 Items