2784 Items

Strategic Foreign Assistance

Can foreign aid help win the war on terror? A number of experts tried to answer this question last week at a roundtable discussion held at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).  John Sullivan, CIPE's Executive Director, was one of the speakers on the panel, which also included A. Lawrence Chick...

Journalists Seek Free Flow of Information

Reading Unesco’s mission of “Empowering people through the free flow of ideas by word and image, and by access to information and knowledge” strongly supports the views of the South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) that has recently organized a SAFMA National Conference in Kara...

Confiscating Property: Does It Work?

Corruption is spiraling out of control in Russia, and even President Putin has been recently calling out corruption as one of the more 'serious obstacles' to Russia's development prospects.  Now, there is a new initiative on the horizon to deal with public office corruption - and that initiative i...

Bolivian Land Reform Will Promote Private Growth

Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a front-page article on Bolivian land reform. Property in Latin America is more unevenly distributed than any other region in the world. Bolivia is quite arguably one of the worst. As part of his campaign pledge, Evo Morales has begun a program to redistribute up t...

On Entrepreneurship

A new breed of youth has emerged in Kenya. Linking their academic pursuit to create profit for themselves and the society, they do not wait to be employed but create jobs. As the Principal Western University College of Science and Technology observes, "University students have turned from throwing s...

The Dushanbe Association of SMEs looks more like Save the Children

What if your organization's mission statement was to have lots of projects and to bring in lots of money? Thanks to international donors, this is often how business associations operate in the former Soviet Union. I was recently in Tajikistan and this "grant-eating" syndrome has become an epidemic f...

Pakistan is Asked to Amend Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Related Laws

In the recent years the international trade arena has witnessed the growing importance of “within the border” barriers. Standards and technical regulations appear to several  commentators as the new critical issue on the international trade agenda. Among these, sanitary and phytosanitar...

NGO Accountability and Governance

On June 6, 2006*, The heads of 11 of the world's leading human rights, environmental and social development international organisations have today publicly endorsed the first global accountability charter for the non-profit sector. Why be concerned about NGO governance? International NGOs play an in...

Score a Goal…Against Piracy!

This June, I am getting as much of the 2006 World Cup as I can get.  And anyone watching it knows – Brazil is one of the favorites to win this year.  The country’s national team has won most WC tournaments in history (5), and was led to three of those five victories by the great Pel...

Gagging The Press in Pakistan

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides for its citizens’ fundamental rights, one of which pertains specifically to the Press, Article 19, Freedom of Speech: Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, s...
2784 Items