Issue Identification

Before embarking on an advocacy initiative, it is important to identify the major issues. It is also vital that the organization reflect the views of the members. Without the support of the members, the organization loses a sense of credibility and the advocacy effort will be hampered. In order to form an agenda, ask your members what laws or regulations are affecting their business operations. Undoubtedly, there will be a wide variety of answers, but the job of the association is to identify the common challenges and come up with viable solutions. By engaging members from the onset, you establish their buy-in and commitment to the cause.

Common challenges that businesses around the world face include:

  • High import and export duties and heavy taxation on business activities
  • Unnecessary environmental regulations
  • Unfair labor laws
  • Anti-competitive regulations
  • Impractical health and safety laws
  • Unrealistic land use policies
  • Costly utility regulations
  • Capricious consumer protection laws
  • Corrupt government procurement and contracting practices
  • Lack of protection for intellectual property
  • Many other anti-business policies