Communication Manager

An association can reach its full potential and have a bright future only when its key audiences believe it is effective and efficient and is making a positive contribution to the nation’s economy. While everyone involved with the organization has an important role as a communicator, it is the responsibility of the Communications Manager to develop an overall strategy and coordinate the various outreach efforts such as print media, websites, social media, and interaction with the press.

Developing a Core Message

The organization’s core message describes the vision of its leadership. The word message is used to tell of activities and achievements of volunteer workers, or it may argue a particular point-of-view or explain a program. The message is the core meaning, the sum and substance of what an organization is really trying to accomplish, therefore, the association’s mission, objectives and program of work must be inextricably tied to its message.

The message must be simple, and clear. History illustrates this point. Macedonian King and Alexander the Great’s father, Philip, subdued all major Greek city-states except the stubbornly independent Sparta. Philip sent Sparta the following threat: “You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city.” Sparta’s reply was simple: “If!” As one writer says, “Recalling Sparta’s glorious military past, Philip thought better of it and left them alone.