Below are some of the tools available for the communication professional. Mix new technology with proven methods.

Consider everything. A few of the listed items may not normally be considered as “media” by some, but one can argue that every mechanism of communication can be utilized to create an impression. That impression can be favorable or unfavorable. The true professional communicator must look for every affordable device, no matter how insignificant or how grandiose, to spread his or her message to the chosen target audiences.

Face-to-face discussions
Personal letters
Thank-you notes
Retention letters
Computer technology
Telephone calls
National opinion surveys
Membership directory
Policy papers on political issues
Editorial board meetings
Press conferences
Media tours
Personal media contact
Media background briefings
Television news interviews
Feature articles
Letters to the editors
Editorial page opinion articles
Radio news interviews
Radio talk shows
Business letter envelope inserts
Pay check envelope inserts

Paid advertising in mass media
Magazine articles
Newspaper tabloid sections
Special research reports on trends
Press Releases
Outdoor advertising signs
Specialized directories
Special awards
Academic and scientific journals
Buyers’ guides
Computer compact discs and diskettes
Video Tapes
Business cards
Tent cards for tables
Bulletin boards
Action call mailings Membership solicitations
Annual membership dues billings
Name badges
Internet Web Site
Web Site advertising
Call waiting messages