Women In Business Marks Second Anniversary

CIPE in News

This article was originally published in the Papua New Guinea Post Courrier.


Women In Business Marks Second Anniversary

PAPUA New Guinea Women’s Business Resource Centre which is a joint initiative of the United States and the Australian Government continues to support local PNG women venturing into small businesses here in PNG.

The PNGWBRC celebrated their 2nd anniversary yesterday since their formation in November 2016, and currently comes under the management and guidance of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) which is a non government organization.

Those in attendance included representatives from the Department of Community Development, US Ambassador to PNG Ms Catherine Ebert-Gray, Program Manager for East Asia Pacific Team from the US Serah Yun, Wendy Kolls Economic Adviser for US Embassy, and representative from the Australian High Commission Andrew Egan.

CIPE Program Manager for the East Asia Pacific Team Serah Yun said so far the PNGWBRC has seen over 800 women who have come through and receive training from the center.

“We would like to see more women come and use this center as this is especially for them” she said.

The regular training offered at the PNGWBRC are a Motivational Monday’s Series, a trainer-led seminar on professional development and confidence building, Website Wednesday’s Series, hands-on workshops on e-commerce and digital marketing tools.

Finance Friday’s Series, which is an ongoing class on financial literacy and personal finance including entrepreneur master class, is an intensive course on business model development, value preposition and budgeting for MSME’s.

So far the Women’s Business Resource Center has supported women in establishing and strengthening their businesses as an information and resource hub from aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs.

More and more women in Port Moresby are now finding the WBRC a safe and accessible space that allows women of all backgrounds in PNG to access the vital skills and resources for economic self-empowerment.

Written by Serah Abraham. 

Published Date: November 08, 2018