Economic Inclusion Is Integral to Democratic Resilience

Statement/News Release | Andrew Wilson

Amid Global Pride observances, CIPE affirms its belief that democracy can only truly take root and endure when all segments of society are able to pursue economic, political, and civic opportunities without fear of reprisal.

Economic inclusion is integral to efforts for achieving sustainable market economies and resilient democracies around the world. Democratic resilience will achieve neither stability nor meaning if marginalized constituencies are not given a stake in the economy and a voice in policymaking. An inclusive market economy ensures that everyone has full and fair access to economic opportunity, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, place of birth, family background, age, or other circumstances over which they have no control. Broader inclusion of LGBT+ communities around the world in civic spaces, political dialogue, and the economy is one of the underlying conditions necessary for democracy to flourish.

— Andrew Wilson
Executive Director, Center for International Private Enterprise

Published Date: June 24, 2022