Democracy That Delivers #293: Women and Girls Empowered – American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative

Ken Jaques |

The Democracy that Delivers “Women and Girls Empowered” (WAGE) mini-series spotlights the WAGE core partners’ women empowerment projects. In the third of the four episodes, our host Ken Jaques meets Susan Marx, Project Director of WAGE Eswatini for the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI). Launched just last year amid turbulent times in the last absolute monarchy of the region, WAGE’s initiative in Eswatini aims to integrate responses to gender-based violence, HIV, and the economic marginalization of Swati women. Susan highlights ABA ROLI’s work to improve these women’s access to justice, education, and economic participation in cooperation with men and boys, local lawyers, and civil society organizations.

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Published Date: November 02, 2021