Partner Resources & Regional Flyers

224 Items

Nigeria: Reforming the Maritime Ports

Case Studies
Executive Summary The efficiency of port operation is a major driver of trade and economic activities across countries. Unfortunately, over the years, users and operators at the Nigerian Ports have been facing lingering challenges and bottlenecks namely, infrastructure shortcomings, policy and regul...

Asia and the Pacific Flyer

Regional Overview Challenges to democracy vary widely across countries in East and South East Asia, as does CIPE’s approach. In new, struggling, and transition democracies, CIPE projects target the institutional weaknesses that underlie political instability, such as corruption, governance, rule o...

Europe and Eurasia Flyer

Regional Overview Across Europe and Eurasia, sharp distinctions have emerged between countries striving to make progress on democratic and economic reform, and those marked by anti-democratic tendencies. In countries with closing democratic space, CIPE works with its partners to use economic and bus...

South Asia Flyer

Regional Overview Despite relatively open electoral systems and high levels of public participation, emerging democracies in South Asia have struggled to consolidate. Institutional flaws, weak governance, and entrenched interests have prevented democracy from delivering for all citizens. Across the ...
224 Items